Interview with Akbar Khazaei npc bodybuilding professional judge about Mr. Olympia 2022

On the pretext of Hadi Chopan’s victory in the Las Vegas 2022 mr Olympia ,we had a conversation with Akbar Khazaei, the only ifbb_pro professional bodybuilding judge living in Iran, as follows: Akbar Khazaei said that Hadi Chopan’s victory in the Mr. Olympia competition is a historic event and for the first time that it happened to an Iranian, and before that no one believed that one day Sando would come to Iran, because some people saying Regarding the quality of the muscles and genetics of the American champions, they considered the differences between the Iranian and American governments to be the reason for it, but Hadi Chopan’s championship in the Mr. Olympia competition showed that racism ,nationalities and differences between the governments cannot effect on the rights and status of athletes. And Mr. Jim Manion and Tyler Manion and all professional bodybuilding judges are fair .

Akbar Khazaei is one of the NPC judge of bodybuilding who entered the field of international judging since 2007 and in 2022, as the first judge from Iran, akbar khazaei is able to receive his international professional judge card from NPC & IFBB PRO in the first half of 2022 He was on the judging panel of Ashour Classic Libya, Mr. Olympia Tunisia, Iraq Muscle Show, Mr.Olympia Pakistan, and in the second half of 2022, he judged again in the Ashour Classic competitions of Libya and Tunisia, and in the 2022, he judged in the second Ashour Classic contest And in 2023, he judged the Iraq ifbb pro Muscle Show competition again